经文: 不知不觉洪水来了,把他们全都冲去。人子降临也要这样。(马太福音二十四:39)
Evening, November 1
Scripture: “And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”(Matthew 24:39)
Universal was the doom, neither rich nor poor escaped: the learned and the illiterate, the admired and the abhorred, the religious and the profane, the old and the young, all sank in one common ruin. Some had doubtless ridiculed the patriarch-where now their merry jests? Others had threatened him for his zeal which they counted madness-where now their boastings and hard speeches? The critic who judged the old man's work is drowned in the same sea which covers his sneering companions. Those who spoke patronizingly of the good man's fidelity to his convictions, but shared not in them, have sunk to rise no more, and the workers who for pay helped to build the wondrous ark, are all lost also. The flood swept them all away, and made no single exception. Even so, out of Christ, final destruction is sure to every man of woman born; no rank, possession, or character, shall suffice to save a single soul who has not believed in the Lord Jesus. My soul, behold this wide-spread judgment and tremble at it.
How marvellous the general apathy! they were all eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the awful morning dawned. There was not one wise man upon earth out of the ark. Folly duped the whole race, folly as to self-preservation-the most foolish of all follies. Folly in doubting the most true God-the most malignant of fooleries. Strange, my soul, is it not? All men are negligent of their souls till grace gives them reason, then they leave their madness and act like rational beings, but not till then.
All, blessed be God, were safe in the ark, no ruin entered there. From the huge elephant down to the tiny mouse all were safe. The timid hare was equally secure with the courageous lion, the helpless cony as safe as the laborious ox. All are safe in Jesus. My soul, art thou in him?
《竭诚为主》11月1日 你不属自己
November 1 Ye Are Not Your Own
“Know ye not that . . ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19
There is no such thing as a private life – “a world within the world” – for a man or woman who is brought into fellowship with Jesus Christ's sufferings. God breaks up the private life of His saints, and makes it a thoroughfare for the world on the one hand and for Himself on the other. No human being can stand that unless he is identified with Jesus Christ. We are not sanctified for ourselves, we are called into the fellowship of the Gospel, and things happen which have nothing to do with us, God is getting us into fellowship with Himself. Let Him have His way, if you do not, instead of being of the slightest use to God in His Redemptive work in the world, you will be a hindrance and a clog.
The first thing God does with us is to get us based on rugged Reality until we do not care what becomes of us individually as long as He gets His way for the purpose of His Redemption. Why shouldn't we go through heartbreaks? Through those doorways God is opening up ways of fellowship with His Son. Most of us fall and collapse at the first grip of pain; we sit down on the threshold of God's purpose and die away of self-pity, and all so called Christian sympathy will aid us to our death bed. But God will not. He comes with the grip of the pierced hand of His Son, and says – “Enter into fellowship with Me; arise and shine.” If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart.
十一月一日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「那召你们的本是信实的,祂必成就这事。」(帖撒罗尼迦前书5︰24)
谁要做这件事? 就是那位亲自召我们出黑暗入光明,出死亡进入永生的主。只有祂可以做成这样的事工:这样的完全与保守只能是出自有着全备恩典的神。
Perfection and Preservation
Scripture: "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
What will He do? He will sanctify us wholly. See the previous verse. He will carry on the work of purification till we are perfect in every part. He will preserve our "whole spirit, and soul, and body, blameless unto the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ." He will not allow us to fall from grace, nor come under the dominion of sin. What great favors are these! Well may we adore the giver of such unspeakable gifts.
Who will do this? The LORD who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light, out of death in sin into eternal life in Christ Jesus. Only He can do this: such perfection and preservation can only come from the God of all grace.
Why will He do it? Because He is "faithful"--faithful to His own promise which is pledged to save the believer; faithful to His Son, whose reward it is that His people shall be presented to Him faultless, faithful to the work which He has commenced in us by our effectual calling. It is not their own faithfulness but the LORD's own faithfulness on which the saints rely.
Come, my soul, here is a grand feast to begin a dull month with. There may be fogs without, but there should be sunshine within.
经文: 我见恶人离弃祢的律法,就怒气发作,犹如火烧。(诗篇一一九:53)
Evening, November 2
Scripture: “Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.”(Psalm 119:53)
Prayer is the never-failing resort of the Christian in any case, in every plight. When you cannot use your sword you may take to the weapon of all-prayer. Your powder may be damp, your bow-string may be relaxed, but the weapon of all-prayer need never be out of order. Leviathan laughs at the javelin, but he trembles at prayer. Sword and spear need furbishing, but prayer never rusts, and when we think it most blunt it cuts the best. Prayer is an open door which none can shut. Devils may surround you on all sides, but the way upward is always open, and as long as that road is unobstructed, you will not fall into the enemy's hand. We can never be taken by blockade, escalade, mine, or storm, so long as heavenly succours can come down to us by Jacob's ladder to relieve us in the time of our necessities. Prayer is never out of season: in summer and in winter its merchandise is precious. Prayer gains audience with heaven in the dead of night, in the midst of business, in the heat of noonday, in the shades of evening. In every condition, whether of poverty, or sickness, or obscurity, or slander, or doubt, your covenant God will welcome your prayer and answer it from his holy place. Nor is prayer ever futile. True prayer is evermore true power. You may not always get what you ask, but you shall always have your real wants supplied. When God does not answer his children according to the letter, he does so according to the spirit. If thou askest for coarse meal, wilt thou be angered because he gives thee the finest flour? If thou seekest bodily health, shouldst thou complain if instead thereof he makes thy sickness turn to the healing of spiritual maladies? Is it not better to have the cross sanctified than removed? This evening, my soul, forget not to offer thy petition and request, for the Lord is ready to grant thee thy desires.
《竭诚为主》11月2日 权柄与自主
我们的主从不坚持要人顺服他;他虽然强调什么是当行的,却从不运用手段强逼我们去行。我们顺服他必须出于灵里的合一。因此,主谈到作门徒时,总加上“若”字 – 你要是不想,可以不做。“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己。”你要放弃自己的主权,把它交给主。主并不是论及永世的地位,他乃是说在现今的景况中,怎样才可以成为他合用的器皿。正因如此,主的话听来是这样严厉(比较路十四26)。千万不要撇下说这话的那一位主,去解释经文。
祈祷◆噢,主啊,愿你探测我灵里最深藏的动机 – 圣灵就在此处为我们代求,并且看出我们未能表达的祷文。
November 2 Authority And Independence
“If ye love Me, ye will keep My commandments.” John 14:15 (R.V.)
Our Lord never insists upon obedience; He tells us very emphatically what we ought to do, but He never takes means to make us do it. We have to obey Him out of a oneness of spirit. That is why whenever Our Lord talked about discipleship, He prefaced it with an IF – you do not need to unless you like. “If any man will be My disciple, let him deny himself,” let him give up his right to himself to Me. Our Lord is not talking of eternal positions, but of being of value to Himself in this order of things, that is why He sounds so stern (cf. Luke 14:26). Never interpret these words apart from the One Who uttered them.
The Lord does not give me rules, He makes His standard very clear, and if my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without any hesitation. If I hesitate, it is because I love some one else in competition with Him, viz., myself. Jesus Christ will not help me to obey Him, I must obey Him; and when I do obey Him, I fulfil my spiritual destiny. My personal life may be crowded with small petty incidents, altogether unnoticeable and mean; but if I obey Jesus Christ in the haphazard circumstances, they become pinholes through which I see the face of God, and when I stand face to face with God I will discover that through my obedience thousands were blessed. When once God's Redemption comes to the point of obedience in a human soul, it always creates. If I obey Jesus Christ, the Redemption of God will rush through me to other lives, because behind the deed of obedience is the Reality of Almighty God.
十一月二日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「祂未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。」(诗篇84︰11)
Heavenly Wealth
Scripture: "No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Psalm 84:11).
Many pleasing things the LORD may withhold but "no good thing." He is the best judge of what is good for us. Some things are assuredly good, and these we may have for the asking through Jesus Christ our LORD.
Holiness is a good thing, and this He will work in us freely. Victory over evil tendencies, strong tempers, and evil habits He will gladly grant, and we ought not to remain without it.
Full assurance He will bestow, and near communion with Himself, and access into all truth, and boldness with prevalence at the mercy seat. If we have not these, it is from want of faith to receive and not from any unwillingness of God to give. A calm, a heavenly frame, great patience, and fervent love--all these will He give to holy diligence.
But note well that we must "walk uprightly." There must be no cross purposes and crooked dealings; no hypocrisy nor deceit. If we walk foully God cannot give us favors, for that would be a premium upon sin. The way of uprightness is the way of heavenly wealth-wealth so large as to include every good thing.
Whatapromisetopleadinprayer! Letusgettoourknees.
经文: 他们的祷当,达到天上的圣所。(历代志下三十:27)
Evening, November 3
Scripture: “Their prayer came up to His holy dwelling place, even unto heaven.”(2 Chronicles 30:27)
Prayer is the never-failing resort of the Christian in any case, in every plight. When you cannot use your sword you may take to the weapon of all-prayer. Your powder may be damp, your bow-string may be relaxed, but the weapon of all-prayer need never be out of order. Leviathan laughs at the javelin, but he trembles at prayer. Sword and spear need furbishing, but prayer never rusts, and when we think it most blunt it cuts the best. Prayer is an open door which none can shut. Devils may surround you on all sides, but the way upward is always open, and as long as that road is unobstructed, you will not fall into the enemy's hand. We can never be taken by blockade, escalade, mine, or storm, so long as heavenly succours can come down to us by Jacob's ladder to relieve us in the time of our necessities. Prayer is never out of season: in summer and in winter its merchandize is precious. Prayer gains audience with heaven in the dead of night, in the midst of business, in the heat of noonday, in the shades of evening. In every condition, whether of poverty, or sickness, or obscurity, or slander, or doubt, your covenant God will welcome your prayer and answer it from His holy place. Nor is prayer ever futile. True prayer is evermore true power. You may not always get what you ask, but you shall always have your real wants supplied. When God does not answer His children according to the letter, He does so according to the spirit. If thou askest for coarse meal, wilt thou be angered because He gives thee the finest flour? If thou seekest bodily health, shouldst thou complain if instead thereof He makes thy sickness turn to the healing of spiritual maladies? Is it not better to have the cross sanctified than removed? This evening, my soul, forget not to offer thy petition and request, for the Lord is ready to grant thee thy desire
《竭诚为主》11月3日 耶稣的奴隶
这句话的意思是我亲手折断自己的主权,完全降服于主耶稣至高的权威。没有人可以替我做,我必须自己去行。神可以在一年有三百六十五次叫我们面临作决定的时刻,可是他不能推我过去。我必须打破脱离神而独立的外壳,释放整个人格,与他合一;不再跟从自己的主意,完全效忠主耶稣。一旦如此,就无可争辩了。很少人真正知道什么叫效忠基督 – 就是“为我(主)的缘故。”有这个才有精忠的圣徒。
这破碎的关键到了没有?其他的事都不过是敬虔的伪壳。决定性的一点是 – 我肯不肯无条件投降,顺服基督?我必须打破实现自我的企图,这样,与主认同的超然事实就随即出现,圣灵的见证就明明可见 – “我已经与基督同钉十字架。”
November 3 A Bond-Slave Of Jesus
“I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Galatians 2:20
These words mean the breaking of my independence with my own hand and surrendering to the supremacy of the Lord Jesus. No one can do this for me, I must do it myself. God may bring me up to the point three hundred and sixty-five times a year, but He cannot put me through it. It means breaking the husk of my individual independence of God, and the emancipating of my personality into oneness with Himself, not for my own ideas, but for absolute loyalty to Jesus. There is no possibility of dispute when once I am there. Very few of us know anything about loyalty to Christ – “For My sake.” It is that which makes the iron saint.
Has that break come? All the rest is pious fraud. The one point to decide is – Will I give up, will I surrender to Jesus Christ, and make no conditions whatever as to how the break comes? I must be broken from my self-realization, and immediately that point is reached, the reality of the supernatural identification takes place at once, and the witness of the Spirit of God is unmistakable – “I have been crucified with Christ.”
The passion of Christianity is that I deliberately sign away my own rights and become a bond-slave of Jesus Christ. Until I do that, I do not begin to be a saint.
One student a year who hears God's call would be sufficient for God to have called this College into existence. This College as an organization is not worth anything, it is not academic; it is for nothing else but for God to help Himself to lives. Is He going to help Himself to us, or are we taken up with our conception of what we are going to be?
十一月三日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「因为这默示有一定的日期,快要应验,并不虚谎。虽然迟延,还要等候;因为必然临到,不再迟延。」(哈巴谷书2︰3)
In God's Time
Scripture: "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry" (Habakkuk 2:3).
Mercy may seem slow, but it is sure. The LORD in unfailing wisdom has appointed a time for the outgoings of His gracious power, and God's time is the best time. We are in a hurry; the vision of the blessings excites our desire and hastens our longings; but the LORD will keep His appointments. He never is before His time; He never is behind.
God's word is here spoken of as a living thing which will speak and will come. It is never a dead letter, as we are tempted to fear when we have long watched for its fulfillment. The living word is on the way from the living God, and though it may seem to linger, it is not in reality doing so. God's train is not behind time. It is only a matter of patience, and we shall soon see for ourselves the faithfulness of the LORD. No promise of His shall fail; "it will not lie." No promise of His will be lost in silence; "it shall speak." What comfort it will speak to the believing ear! No promise of His shall need to be renewed like a bill which could not be paid on the day in which it fell due-"it will not tarry."
Come, my soul, canst thou not wait for thy God? Rest in Him and be still in unutterable peacefulness.
我们要想在服侍神的事上取得任何成功、在做神的工作时打胜仗,一个基本的要素就是感觉到自己的软弱。神的军兵若凭着自己的能力走上前去,夸口说:“我知道我必得胜,我的右手和我得胜的刀剑就能使我得胜”,那么,失败已经离他不远了,因为 神绝不与靠自己能力的人同去。这些自认稳操胜券的人都是打错了算盘,因为“万军之耶和华说:不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的灵方能成事。”上前争战的人,若夸耀自己的力量,归来时必然旗帜偃倒、甲胄蒙尘。服侍 神的人必须靠祂的方法、祂的力量来服侍祂,不然祂必不接纳他们的服侍。凡人所做的一切事,若无神的帮助,神就绝不认可。祂必丢弃仅仅是从地里结出的果子,祂只收割从那天上所撒的种、受恩典所浇灌、蒙神爱的光照而成熟的庄稼。 神在充满你以前必先倒空你,祂先洁净你的仓房,然后把上好的粮食丰丰满满地倒给你。神的河满了水,但没有一滴是从地上的泉源来的。神在属祂的争战中只用祂所赐的力量,不用其他一切的力量。你为你的软弱悲哀吗?放心吧!因为在神使你得胜之前,必先使你感到自己的软弱。你的空虚,就是为了被充满做准备;你被打倒,就是为被高举做准备。
经文: 在祢的光中,我们必得见光。(诗篇三十六:9)
Evening, November 4
Scripture: “In thy light shall we see light.”(Psalm 36:9)
No lips can tell the love of Christ to the heart till Jesus himself shall speak within. Descriptions all fall flat and tame unless the Holy Ghost fills them with life and power; till our Immanuel reveals himself within, the soul sees him not. If you would see the sun, would you gather together the common means of illumination, and seek in that way to behold the orb of day? No, the wise man knoweth that the sun must reveal itself, and only by its own blaze can that mighty lamp be seen. It is so with Christ. “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona:” said he to Peter, “for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee.” Purify flesh and blood by any educational process you may select, elevate mental faculties to the highest degree of intellectual power, yet none of these can reveal Christ. The Spirit of God must come with power, and overshadow the man with his wings, and then in that mystic holy of holies the Lord Jesus must display himself to the sanctified eye, as he doth not unto the purblind sons of men. Christ must be his own mirror. The great mass of this blear-eyed world can see nothing of the ineffable glories of Immanuel. He stands before them without form or comeliness, a root out of a dry ground, rejected by the vain and despised by the proud. Only where the Spirit has touched the eye with eye-salve, quickened the heart with divine life, and educated the soul to a heavenly taste, only there is he understood. “To you that believe he is precious”; to you he is the chief corner-stone, the Rock of your salvation, your all in all; but to others he is “a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence.” Happy are those to whom our Lord manifests himself, for his promise to such is that he will make his abode with them. O Jesus, our Lord, our heart is open, come in, and go out no more for ever. Show thyself to us now! Favour us with a glimpse of thine all-conquering charms.
《竭诚为主》11月4日 真实的权威
祈祷◆主啊,我只有一件事情 – 就是有声和无声的需要你。“灵性贫乏”这词,正描述了我对自己的一点认识。我来到你面前,全然地需要你。
November 4 The Authority Of Reality
“Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.” James 4:8
It is essential to give people a chance of acting on the truth of God. The responsibility must be left with the individual, you cannot act for him, it must be his own deliberate act, but the evangelical message ought always to lead a man to act. The paralysis of refusing to act leaves a man exactly where he was before; when once he acts, he is never the same. It is the foolishness of it that stands in the way of hundreds who have been convicted by the Spirit of God. Immediately I precipitate myself over into an act, that second I live; all the rest is existence. The moments when I truly live are the moments when I act with my whole will.
Never allow a truth of God that is brought home to your soul to pass without acting on it, not necessarily physically, but in will. Record it, with ink or with blood. The feeblest saint who transacts business with Jesus Christ is emancipated the second he acts; all the almighty power of God is on his behalf. We come up to the truth of God, we confess we are wrong, but go back again; then we come up to it again, and go back; until we learn that we have no business to go back. We have to go clean over on some word of our redeeming Lord and transact business with Him. His word “come” means “transact.” “Come unto Me.” The last thing we do is to come; but everyone who does come knows that that second the supernatural rush of the life of God invades him instantly. The dominating power of the world, the flesh and the devil is paralysed, not by your act, but because your act has linked you on to God and His redemptive power.
十一月四日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「他便说:“耶和华如此说:‘你们要在这谷中满处挖沟。’因为耶和华如此说:‘你们虽不见风,不见雨,这谷必满了水,使你们和牲畜有水喝。’“」(列王记下3︰16-17)
You Make the Trenches
Scripture: "And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts" (2 Kings 3:16-17).
Three armies were perishing of thirst, and the LORD interposed. Although He sent neither cloud nor rain, yet He supplied an abundance of water. He is not dependent upon ordinary methods but can surprise His people with novelties of wisdom and power. Thus are we made to see more of God than ordinary processes could have revealed. Although the LORD may not appear for us in the way we expect, or desire, or suppose, yet He will in some way or other provide for us. It is a great blessing for us to be raised above looking to secondary causes so that we may gaze into the face of the great First Cause.
Have we this day grace enough to make trenches into which the divine blessing may flow? Alas! We too often fail in the exhibition of true and practical faith. Let us this day be on the outlook for answers to prayer. As the child who went to a meeting to pray for rain took an umbrella with her, so let us truly and practically expect the LORD to bless us. Let us make the valley full of ditches and expect to see them all filled.
这样,神籍着我们的试炼,患难,给了我们新的启示。“雅博”渡口变成了“呲奴伊勒”,摔跤变成了“面对面见了神”(创32:30)。受苦的信徒,你还有什么可伤心?神将使你 “夜间歌唱”,“使死阴变为晨光”(摩5:8)。——戴威廉
William B. Burke
我们也应当用圣徒的诗歌来纪念这一天。清教徒的先祖们在这一天举行特别的感恩礼拜,有明确的记载表明,马太亨利在这一天会有一年一度的讲道。清教徒的先祖们在这一天举行特别的感恩礼拜,我们这些爱好自由的信徒也当在这一天感谢神。我们的心和嘴唇一起赞美:“ 神啊!你在古时----我们列祖的日子----所行的事,我们亲耳听见了,我们的列祖也给我们述说过。”你让这个民族成为福音之家;当仇敌起来敌对她的时候,你就成为了她的屏障和盾牌。为了 神一再拯救我们,我们要再三地歌唱;求你使我们越来越仇视敌基督的人,速速将其完全消灭。直到那时和永远,我们都信靠这应许:“凡为攻击你而造成的武器,必不能成功。”愿这话铭刻在一切喜爱耶稣福音的人心上,靠此把异端邪说推翻,好广传神的真道。愿我们省察自己的心,从中剔除所有天主教自义的刺,免得它们潜伏暗藏在我们里面。
经文: 当感谢祂,称颂祂的名。(诗篇一○○:4)
Evening, November 5
Scripture: “Be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”(Psalm 100:4)
Our Lord would have all his people rich in high and happy thoughts concerning his blessed person. Jesus is not content that his brethren should think meanly of him; it is his pleasure that his espoused ones should be delighted with his beauty. We are not to regard him as a bare necessary, like to bread and water, but as a luxurious delicacy, as a rare and ravishing delight. To this end he has revealed himself as the “pearl of great price” in its peerless beauty, as the “bundle of myrrh” in its refreshing fragrance, as the “rose of Sharon” in its lasting perfume, as the “lily” in its spotless purity.
As a help to high thoughts of Christ, remember the estimation that Christ is had in beyond the skies, where things are measured by the right standard. Think how God esteems the Only Begotten, his unspeakable gift to us. Consider what the angels think of him, as they count it their highest honour to veil their faces at his feet. Consider what the blood-washed think of him, as day without night they sing his well deserved praises. High thoughts of Christ will enable us to act consistently with our relations towards him. The more loftily we see Christ enthroned, and the more lowly we are when bowing before the foot of the throne, the more truly shall we be prepared to act our part towards him. Our Lord Jesus desires us to think well of him, that we may submit cheerfully to his authority. High thoughts of him increase our love. Love and esteem go together. Therefore, believer, think much of your Master's excellencies. Study him in his primeval glory, before he took upon himself your nature! Think of the mighty love which drew him from his throne to die upon the cross! Admire him as he conquers all the powers of hell! See him risen, crowned, glorified! Bow before him as the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the mighty God, for only thus will your love to him be what it should.
《竭诚为主》11月5日 与基督一同受苦
November 5 Partakers Of His Sufferings
“Rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings.” 1 Peter 4:13
If you are going to be used by God, He will take you through a multitude of experiences that are not meant for you at all, they are meant to make you useful in His hands, and to enable you to understand what transpires in other souls so that you will never be surprised at what you come across. Oh, I can't deal with that person. Why not? God gave you ample opportunity to soak before Him on that line, and you barged off because it seemed stupid to spend time in that way.
The sufferings of Christ are not those of ordinary men. He suffered “according to the will of God,” not from the point of view we suffer from as individuals. It is only when we are related to Jesus Christ that we can understand what God is after in His dealings with us. It is part of Christian culture to know what God's aim is. In the history of the Christian Church the tendency has been to evade being identified with the sufferings of Jesus Christ; men have sought to procure the carrying out of God's order by a short cut of their own. God's way is always the way of suffering, the way of the “long, long trail.”
Are we partakers of Christ's sufferings? Are we prepared for God to stamp our personal ambitions right out? Are we prepared for God to destroy by transfiguration our individual determinations? It will not mean that we know exactly why God is taking us that way, that would make us spiritual prigs. We never realize at the time what God is putting us through; we go through it more or less misunderstandingly; then we come to a luminous place, and say – “Why, God has girded me, though I did not know it!”
十一月五日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「我必不永远相争,也不长久发怒,恐怕我所造的人与灵性都必发昏。」(以赛亚书57︰16)
What Is Painful Will End
Scripture: "I will not contend for ever, neither will I be always wroth: for the spirit should fail before Me, and the souls; which I have made" (Isaiah 57:16).
Our heavenly Father seeks our instruction, not our destruction. His contention with us has a kind intention toward us. He will not be always in arms against us. We think the LORD is long in His chastisements, but that is because we are short in our patience. His compassion endureth forever, but not His contention. The night may drag its weary length along, but it must in the end give place to cheerful day. As contention is only for a season, so the wrath which leads to it is only for a small moment. The LORD loves His chosen too well to be always angry with them.
If He were to deal with us always as He does sometimes, we should faint outright and go down hopelessly to the gates of death. Courage, dear heart! The LORD will soon end His chiding. Bear up, for the LORD will bear you up and bear you through. He who made you knows how frail you are and how little you can bear. He will handle tenderly that which He has fashioned so delicately. Therefore, be not afraid because of the painful present, for it hastens to a happy future. He that smote you will heal you; His little wrath shall be followed by great mercies.
当一个信徒感觉陷入低迷、悲苦的境地中时,他常常带着黑暗沉郁的恐惧进行自责,试图借此方式把自己救拔出来。但这样的方法并不能把他从尘埃中高举起来,反而只能使其继续陷溺其中。这样做就好像绑住鹰的翅膀却想让其高飞,人抱着怀疑的态度却想加倍得享神的恩典。最初拯救那寻求之灵魂的,并非律法,而是福音;并且在以后真正鼓舞灰心丧胆之信徒的,也非律法的捆绑,而是福音的释放。为奴的惧怕之心并不能把背道的人带回到神的面前,只有爱的甜美呼求能吸引他到耶稣的怀中。今晨你渴慕永生的神吗?你因为没有找到祂而得享心中的喜乐就感到难过吗?你已经失去了信仰所带来的喜乐吗?所以你会为此这样祷告“求你使我仍得救恩之乐” 吗?你也会感到自己的贫乏,像一片干旱之地;以致你结不出 神有权利向你要的果子,在教会中、在世界上,也没有如自己所愿的那样成为有用之人吗?那么这里正是你所需要的应许:“我要将水浇灌口渴的人。”你必得到你所急切需求求的恩典,并从中得到极大的满足。水能消除人的干渴,你也必然得到滋润,你的心愿必被满足;水能滋润枯萎的枝叶,你的生命也必因新蒙的恩典而振奋起来;水能使花开放,使果成熟,你必得到结果子的恩典,你必按照 神的方式结出果子来。 神恩典中所有的好处你都能丰享;你必大得 神恩典的丰富,你必被恩典漫过,正像草场被奔流的河水灌满,使田地也成为水池,你也是这样,干旱之地必将成为涌流的泉源。
经文: 说,这血就是上帝与你们立约的凭据。(希伯来书九:20)
Evening, November 6
Scripture: “Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.”(Hebrews 9:20)
There is a strange power about the very name of blood, and the sight of it is always affecting. A kind heart cannot bear to see a sparrow bleed, and unless familiarized by use, turns away with horror at the slaughter of a beast. As to the blood of men, it is a consecrated thing: it is murder to shed it in wrath, it is a dreadful crime to squander it in war. Is this solemnity occasioned by the fact that the blood is the life, and the pouring of it forth the token of death? We think so. When we rise to contemplate the blood of the Son of God, our awe is yet more increased, and we shudder as we think of the guilt of sin, and the terrible penalty which the Sin-bearer endured. Blood, always precious, is priceless when it streams from Immanuel's side. The blood of Jesus seals the covenant of grace, and makes it for ever sure. Covenants of old were made by sacrifice, and the everlasting covenant was ratified in the same manner. Oh, the delight of being saved upon the sure foundation of divine engagements which cannot be dishonoured! Salvation by the works of the law is a frail and broken vessel whose shipwreck is sure; but the covenant vessel fears no storms, for the blood ensures the whole. The blood of Jesus made his testament valid. Wills are of no power unless the testators die. In this light the soldier's spear is a blessed aid to faith, since it proved our Lord to be really dead. Doubts upon that matter there can be none, and we may boldly appropriate the legacies which he has left for his people. Happy they who see their title to heavenly blessings assured to them by a dying Saviour. But has this blood no voice to us? Does it not bid us sanctify ourselves unto him by whom we have been redeemed? Does it not call us to newness of life, and incite us to entire consecration to the Lord? O that the power of the blood might be known, and felt in us this night!
《竭诚为主》11月6日 信心历程
马大相信耶稣有能力行事;她相信他若在场,就可以医治她的弟弟。她也相信耶稣与神有特别的关系,他求神什么,神都成就。可是,她需要与耶稣有更亲密的个人关系。马大的信心是在未来才实现的;耶稣领她体验,直至信心成为她个人的财富,然后形成一个特有的产业 – “主啊,是的,我信你是基督……”
主对你是否也一样?主是否教导你,使你进入与他个人亲密的关系里?让神的问题追逼你 – “你信这话吗?”你怀疑的是什么?你所遭遇的,有否像马大的一样,把你带到一处,叫你的信仰快要变成个人的信仰?这个地步,非透过难处而产生个人问题,不能达致。
November 6 Programme Of Belief
“Believest thou this?” John 11:26
Martha believed in the power at the disposal of Jesus Christ, she believed that if He had been present He could have healed her brother; she also believed that Jesus had a peculiar intimacy with God and that whatever He asked of God, God would do; but she needed a closer personal intimacy with Jesus. Martha's programme of belief had its fulfilment in the future; Jesus led her on until her belief became a personal possession, and then slowly emerged into a particular inheritance – “Yea, Lord, I believe that Thou art the Christ. . . ”
Is there something like that in the Lord's dealings with you? Is Jesus educating you into a personal intimacy with Himself? Let Him press home His question to you – “Believest thou this?” What is your ordeal of doubt? Have you come, like Martha, to some overwhelming passage in your circumstances where your programme of belief is about to emerge into a personal belief? This can never be until a personal need arises out of a personal problem.
To believe is to commit. In the programme of mental belief I commit myself, and abandon all that is not related to that commitment. In personal belief I commit myself morally to this way of confidence and refuse to compromise with any other; and in particular belief I commit myself spiritually to Jesus Christ, and determine in that thing to be dominated by the Lord alone.
When I stand face to face with Jesus Christ and He says to me – “Believest thou this?” I find that faith is as natural as breathing, and I am staggered that I was so stupid as not to trust Him before.
用於 《竭诚为主》11月6日
用於 《竭诚为主》11月6日
十一月六日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
Delight and Desires
Scripture: "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart" (Psalm 37:4).
Delight in God has a transforming power and lifts a man above the gross desire of our [formerly] fallen nature. Delight in Jehovah is not only sweet in itself, but it sweetens the whole soul, till the longings of the heart become such that the LORD can safely promise to fulfill them. Is not that a grand delight which molds our desires till they are like the desires of God?
Our foolish way is to desire and then set to work to compass what we desire. We do not go to work in God's way, which is to seek Him first and then expect all things to be added unto us. If we will let our heart be filled with God till it runs over with delight, then the LORD Himself will take care that we shall not want any good thing. Instead of going abroad for joys let us stay at home with God and drink waters out of our own fountain. He can do for us far more than all our friends. It is better to be content with God alone than to go about fretting and pining for the paltry trifles of time and sense. For a while we may have disappointments; but if these bring us nearer to the LORD, they are things to be prized exceedingly, for they will in the end secure to us the fulfillment of all our right desires.
这句话的前面是不信之人的哀叹,锡安说:“耶和华离弃了我,主忘记了我。”毫无疑问,这里的“看哪”二字,正是要引起他们的好奇和关注。 神对于这种邪恶的不信感到怎样的震惊啊!有什么比 神所恩待之人毫无根据的疑惑和惧怕更令人惊异呢? 神责备我们的慈爱之语真使我们面红耳赤;祂哭喊说:“我既把你铭刻在我的掌上,我怎能忘记你呢?你既在我的身上为记念,你怎敢怀疑我恒久的顾念呢?”不信的人哪,你竟然会感到惊异,这是多么奇怪的事呀!我们不知道什么是最希奇的事,是 神的信实呢?还是祂民的不信呢?祂虽已数千次地成就了祂的应许,但试验再一次临到时我们又开始疑惑祂了。祂永不失败,祂并不是一口涸井,也永远不像落日、流星或是蒸气;然而我们却常常受到各种顾虑的烦恼、因为猜疑而困惑,因为惧怕而受到搅扰,就好像神是荒漠中的海市蜃楼一样。“看哪!”这个词正是为了激发我们的羡慕之心。事实上,这里是一个奇妙的话题。天地都必因此震惊,因为悖逆的人仍然能够如此就近那充满无限慈爱的心,以至被刻在祂的掌上。“我将你铭刻”,这里并不是说“你的名”;名字已在那里,可是还不够,祂还要说“我将你铭刻。”且看这其中的意义是多么丰满!我将整个的你,包括你的形象、你的情况、你的环境、你的罪、你的试探、你的软弱、你的需要、你的工作;我将有关你的一切都铭刻下来;我把你完完全全铭刻在那里。祂既把你铭刻在祂自己的掌上,你还会再说祂离弃了你吗?
经文: 你们……作我的见证。(使徒行传一:8)
Evening, November 7
Scripture: “And ye shall be witnesses unto me.”(Acts 1:8)
In order to learn how to discharge your duty as a witness for Christ, look at his example. He is always witnessing: by the well of Samaria, or in the Temple of Jerusalem: by the lake of Gennesaret, or on the mountain's brow. He is witnessing night and day; his mighty prayers are as vocal to God as his daily services. He witnesses under all circumstances; Scribes and Pharisees cannot shut his mouth; even before Pilate he witnesses a good confession. He witnesses so clearly, and distinctly that there is no mistake in him. Christian, make your life a clear testimony. Be you as the brook wherein you may see every stone at the bottom-not as the muddy creek, of which you only see the surface-but clear and transparent, so that your heart's love to God and man may be visible to all. You need not say, “I am true:” be true. Boast not of integrity, but be upright. So shall your testimony be such that men cannot help seeing it. Never, for fear of feeble man, restrain your witness. Your lips have been warmed with a coal from off the altar; let them speak as like heaven-touched lips should do. “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand.” Watch not the clouds, consult not the wind-in season and out of season witness for the Saviour, and if it shall come to pass that for Christ's sake and the gospel's you shall endure suffering in any shape, shrink not, but rejoice in the honour thus conferred upon you, that you are counted worthy to suffer with your Lord; and joy also in this-that your sufferings, your losses, and persecutions shall make you a platform, from which the more vigorously and with greater power you shall witness for Christ Jesus. Study your great Exemplar, and be filled with his Spirit. Remember that you need much teaching, much upholding, much grace, and much humility, if your witnessing is to be to your Master's glory.
《竭诚为主》11月7日 环境是不知不觉中的圣地
November 7 The Undetected Sacredness Of Circumstances
“All things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28
The circumstances of a saint's life are ordained of God. In the life of a saint there is no such thing as chance. God by His providence brings you into circumstances that you cannot understand at all, but the Spirit of God understands. God is bringing you into places and among people and into conditions in order that the intercession of the Spirit in you may take a particular line. Never put your hand in front of the circumstances and say – I am going to be my own providence here, I must watch this, and guard that. All your circumstances are in the hand of God, therefore never think it strange concerning the circumstances you are in. Your part in intercessory prayer is not to enter into the agony of intercession, but to utilize the common-sense circumstances God puts you in, and the common-sense people He puts you amongst by His providence, to bring them before God's throne and give the Spirit in you a chance to intercede for them. In this way God is going to sweep the whole world with His saints.
Am I making the Holy Spirit's work difficult by being indefinite, or by trying to do His work for Him? I must do the human side of intercession, and the human side is the circumstances I am in and the people I am in contact with. I have to keep my conscious life as a shrine of the Holy Ghost, then as I bring the different ones before God, the Holy Spirit makes intercession for them.
Your intercessions can never be mine, and my intercessions can never be yours, but the Holy Ghost makes intercession in our particular lives, without which intercession someone will be impoverished.
用於 《竭诚为主》11月7日
十一月七日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「自卑的,必升为高。」(路加福音18︰14)
True Humility Rewarded
Scripture: "He that humbleth himself shall be exalted" (Luke 18:14).
It ought not to be difficult for us to humble ourselves, for what have we to be proud of? We ought to take the lowest place without being told to do so. If we are sensible and honest, we shall be little in our own eyes. Especially before the LORD in prayer we shall shrink to nothing. There we cannot speak of merit, for we have none; our one and only appeal must be to mercy: "God be merciful to me a sinner."
Here is a cheering word from the throne. We shall be exalted by the LORD if we humble ourselves. For us the way upward is downhill. When we are stripped of self we are clothed with humility, and this is the best of wear. The LORD will exalt us in peace and happiness of mind; He will exalt us into knowledge of His Word and fellowship with Himself; He will exalt us in the enjoyment of sure pardon and justification. The LORD puts His honors upon those who can wear them to the honor of the Giver. He gives usefulness, acceptance, and influence to those who will not be puffed up by them but will be abased by a sense of greater responsibility. Neither God nor man will care to lift up a man who lifts up himself; but both God and good men unite to honor modest worth.
O LORD, sink me in self that I may rise in Thee.
盲人传道家乔治·马得胜(George Matheson)去世安葬的时候,人们以红玫瑰遍布他坟地四周,以纪念这舍己为人的热情牧师。他深得大众的敬爱,下面这首诗是他的作品:
经文: 夫子说,客房在那里,我与门徒好在那里吃逾越节的筵席。(马可福音十四:14)
Evening, November 8
Scripture: “The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?”(Mark 14:14)
Jerusalem at the time of the passover was one great inn; each householder had invited his own friends, but no one had invited the Saviour, and he had no dwelling of his own. It was by his own supernatural power that he found himself an upper room in which to keep the feast. It is so even to this day-Jesus is not received among the sons of men save only where by his supernatural power and grace he makes the heart anew. All doors are open enough to the prince of darkness, but Jesus must clear a way for himself or lodge in the streets. It was through the mysterious power exerted by our Lord that the householder raised no question, but at once cheerfully and joyfully opened his guestchamber. Who he was, and what he was, we do not know, but he readily accepted the honour which the Redeemer proposed to confer upon him. In like manner it is still discovered who are the Lord's chosen, and who are not; for when the gospel comes to some, they fight against it, and will not have it, but where men receive it, welcoming it, this is a sure indication that there is a secret work going on in the soul, and that God has chosen them unto eternal life. Are you willing, dear reader, to receive Christ? then there is no difficulty in the way; Christ will be your guest; his own power is working with you, making you willing. What an honour to entertain the Son of God! The heaven of heavens cannot contain him, and yet he condescends to find a house within our hearts! We are not worthy that he should come under our roof, but what an unutterable privilege when he condescends to enter! for then he makes a feast, and causes us to feast with him upon royal dainties, we sit at a banquet where the viands are immortal, and give immortality to those who feed thereon. Blessed among the sons of Adam is he who entertains the angels’ Lord.
《竭诚为主》11月8日 祷告无比的能力
November 8 The Unrivalled Power Of Prayer
“We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26
We realize that we are energized by the Holy Spirit for prayer; we know what it is to pray in the Spirit; but we do not so often realize that the Holy Spirit Himself prays in us prayers which we cannot utter. When we are born again of God and are indwelt by the Spirit of God, He expresses for us the unutterable.
“He,” the Spirit in you, “maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God,” and God searches your heart not to know what your conscious prayers are, but to find out what is the prayer of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of God needs the nature of the believer as a shrine in which to offer His intercession. “Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.” When Jesus Christ cleansed the temple, He “would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.” The Spirit of God will not allow you to use your body for your own convenience. Jesus ruthlessly cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and said – “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”
Have we recognized that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost? If so, we must be careful to keep it undefiled for Him. We have to remember that our conscious life, though it is only a tiny bit of our personality, is to be regarded by us as a shrine of the Holy Ghost. He will look after the unconscious part that we know nothing of; but we must see that we guard the conscious part for which we are responsible.
十一月八日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全。」(哥林多后书12︰9)
The Magnitude of Grace
Scripture: "My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Our weakness should be prized as making room for divine strength. We might never have known the power of grace if we had not felt the weakness of nature. Blessed be the LORD for the thorn in the flesh, and the messenger of Satan, when they drive us to the strength of God.
This is a precious word from our LORD's own lip. It has made the writer laugh for joy. God's grace enough for me! I should think it is. Is not the sky enough for the bird and the ocean enough for the fish? The All-Sufficient is sufficient for my largest want. He who is sufficient for earth and heaven is certainly able to meet the case of one poor worm like me.
Let us, then, fall back upon our God and His grace. If He does not remove our grief, He will enable us to bear it. His strength shall be poured into us till the worm shall thresh the mountains, and a nothing shall be victor over all the high and mighty ones. It is better for us to have God's strength than our own; for if we were a thousand times as strong as we are, it would amount to nothing in the face of the enemy; and if we could be weaker than we are, which is scarcely possible, yet we could do all things through Christ.