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靈修每日伴讀 | 作者和書籍介紹


【靈修每日伴讀六本相關書籍】: 《清晨甘露》《静夜亮光》《竭诚为主》《信心的支票簿》《活水》《荒漠甘泉》
【靈修每日伴讀六本相關書籍】是用以組成【365天(潤曆366天)】【每日靈糧】。詳細資料,請點擊以下的【每日靈糧】圓形按鈕。 【每日詩歌目錄】也在那裡可以找到。


丰盛恩典-网站 WellsOfGrace.com




英文-网站: Oswald Chambers

《Utmost for his highest | 《竭诚为主》

英文-网站: My Upmost fo his highest

《My Utmost for his highest | 《竭诚为主》

英文-网站: YouDevotion

《Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman | 荒漠甘泉》
《Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon | 清晨甘露 | 静夜亮光》
《Faith's Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon | 信心的支票簿》

《Daily Light on the Daily Path by Samuel Bagster》
《Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary Tileston》
《Daily Prayer Guide based on Leaves of Life by Margaret Bird Steinmetz》
《Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer》
《Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller 》
《Days of Heaven Upon Earth by A.B. Simpson》
《Thoughts for the Quiet Hour edited by D.L. Moody》
《Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller》