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投稿登载【第四篇】戴智民牧師|Reverend Dr. Deutsch
收稿日期: 2020年04月23日
发布日期: 2020年04月24日
文章和照片收集: 楊文進 / Charles Duong
文章提供: Johns Tribute, Christians Tribute, Kathrins Tribute, Letters from Friends and family, Personal Messages
相片提供: Debbie

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WebMaster : Charles H. Duong






個人留言 / Personal message

I Stand Amazed in the Presence

I Stand Amazed in the Presence (Grace Community Church)

Just received this from Katharina, His children’s tributes, Very touching! reminds me of a lot of Dr. Deutsch-his specialities, his personalities, his character, his temperament, his values, his passion, his humanity, his life.... 戴牧師 will be missed!
--Debbie Thu, Apr 30 at 11:24 PM

Dear Friends and Family, We are happy to now be able to share with you the video of the funeral of my father. The link is with "We transfer" and is only available for 6 days (NOW is no more available). But you can download it and save it on you computer, to look at later if you dont have time now. Feel free to share it as you feel appropriate. If you dont manage to download it on time, we will have a copy

In the attachment is the Order of Service Many thanks again for all the kind and touching letters, cards, phonecalls, emails, flowers and prayers. We are so grateful for all your love and wishes. Elisabeth is finding it hard to grasp what has happened which is natural after almost 63 years of marriage. But she is strong and well, and still making us laugh with her wonderful sense of humour. All the love and attention you have given helps so much. She reads all the cards and emails daily. With much love and gratitude
--Elisabeth, Johannes, Andrew, Christian and Katharina Deutsch. Thu, Apr 30 at 11:24 PM

Liebe Freunde und Familie Wir freuen uns, Ihnen jetzt das Video von der Beerdigung meines Vaters zeigen zu können. Der Link ist mit "We Transfer" und ist nur für 7 Tage verfügbar (JETZT ist nicht mehr verfügbar). Sie können es jedoch herunterladen und auf Ihrem Computer speichern, um es später anzusehen, wenn Sie jetzt keine Zeit haben. Fühlen Sie sich frei, es zu teilen, wenn Sie es wünschen. Wenn Sie es nicht rechtzeitig herunterladen können, haben wir eine Kopie Im Anhang ist die Reihenfolge der Beerdigung. Nochmals vielen Dank für all die freundlichen und berührenden Briefe, Karten, Anrufe, E-Mails, Blumen und Gebeten. Wir sind so dankbar für all Ihre Liebe und Wünsche. Elisabeth fällt es schwer zu verstehen, was passiert ist, was nach fast 63 Jahren Ehe natürlich ist. Aber sie ist stark und gesund und bringt uns immer noch zum Lachen mit ihrem wunderbaren Sinn für Humor. All die Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit, die Sie gegeben haben, hilft so viel. Sie liest alle Karten und E-Mails, die wir erhalten haben täglich. Mit viel Liebe und Dankbarkeit
--Elisabeth, Johannes, Andrew, Christian and Katharina Deutsch. Thu, Apr 30 at 11:24 PM
Order of service / Die Reihenfolge der Beerdigung
Dads Funeral Friday 17th april 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 536.0 KB

Dear Katharina. All of you have given your father the most valuable gifts ❤Tributes. May God bless your family and may God bring comfort and love to your mother.
Take My Hand, Precious Lord 
When the darkness appears and the night draws near
And the day is past and gone
At the river I stand
Guide my feet, hold my hand
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home
-- Charles Thu, Apr 23 2020 at 6:07 PM

Rebecca and Charles are amazing, they put all these together. Memories keep our beloved ones alive!
-- Love, Debbie Thu, Apr 23 2020 at 4:17 PM

Thank you very much I will show it to Elisabeth. She will be very happy and proud to see this.
-- Kind regards Katharina On Thursday, April 23, 2020, 04:05:27 PM

Dear Katharina and Debbie, The memorial tributes with psalms and hymns can be found on the following link:
I suggest reading today's manna (created by me - Charles) every day to gain comfort and strength from the Word of God.
God bless
-- Charles Apr 23 (4/23/2020) at 09:25 AM
PS. today's manna can be read on the iPhone.

Dear Katharina, Thank You for the emails. It is very kind of you to do so, in the midst of your busy schedule as a doctor, and also during your own grieving process, and healing, physically, psychologically, emotionally. Time will help, and soothing a bit of your feelings. I lost my beloved mother suddenly and unexpectedly by pneumonia, in 1999, more than 21 years ago, after we had immigrated to Boston for 10 years. So I feel how you feel. Give yourself time to recover...
For the video, no rush. Our hearts will always remember our respectable Dr. Deutsch, and his beautiful family. God willing, when the world comes back to normal... Hope our paths can, will cross again. You are always welcome to come to Boston. Christian and Barbel were here, many years ago. Take care and love with you, Deutsch Family always, Love to Elizabeth.
-- Debbie and Cheung Family
PS. Thank You for allowing my friend to post the sharings in the website.

Dear Rebecca and Charles, Just received this reply from the daughter of Rev. Dr. Deutsch So happy. You can post it. Thanks
-- Debbie Apr 23 (4/23/2020) at 12:34 AM

Dear Debbie we are still awaiting the video. I will send it on ASAP Ofcourse - feel free to use the information we sent you Thank you
-- Katharina Apr 22 (4/22/2020) at 11:48 PM

This morning, Boston time, we tried to go to the link on time. Successfully, we could see the start till the end of the musical offering, Katharina and the children. What a tribute! Beautiful.
Then, it stopped, we kept waiting for more than half an hour, still not connecting... But our hearts are with your family, the whole time. And will continue... Take care and love with Deutsch Family, especially with Elizabeth always, Keep you all in our hearts and prayers.
-- Debbie 4/17/2020 at 4:11 PM
P.S. My beloved friends, a wonderful christian Family In Switzerland would love to ask for your permission toput your sharings, your writings (today’s program), somepictures on the website that once I sent you.

Together, we remember Rev. Deutsch
We celebrate his life
We cherish his salvation
We treasure his friendship
We miss him
He will stay in our hearts
-- Debbie+ Wai Man Cheung Family 4/17/2020 at 7:58:24 AM

戴智民牧師是Basel Mission 巴色差會宣教士, 1957直至1982, 被差派到香港事奉. 這些年間, 曾任香港樂育神學院教授, 副院長, 深水埗崇真堂牧師, 中文大學崇基神學院教授, 神學组主任, 香港巴色差會駐港會長 他忠心事奉主, 欣勤為主工作, 為人甚為謙和柔和, 對人真誠友善, 深受愛戴, 深得教會衆弟兄姊妹, 神學院學生們的尊敬. 戴牧師, 您安息, 我們不捨得您! 我們懷念您!

一生在香港服事的瑞士人, Deutsch牧师,属於Basel Mission, 会讲广东话, 客家话, 以下的联键,可以看到几张他的照片 感谢天父, 差派这麽多的, 西国宣教士为 华人福音效命
-- 以马内利 景吾 Thu, Apr 9 (4/9/2020) at 4:09 PM

Reverend Dr. Richard Robert Deutsch 我們在香港起都稱呼他 Reverend Dr. Deutsch。 他是博士, 喜歡硏讀, 精舊約聖經, 但很謙卑, 他也是牧師。 -- Debbie 04/08/2020

Reverend Dr. Deutsch is real scholar, a professor of theology when he was in Hong-Kong, yet, very humble, very human, very gentle and soft, also learned and spoke Hakka dialect, and Cantonese in Hong-Kong. -- Debbie 04/08/2020

戴智民牧師 (Richard Deutsch, 1928-2020)於2020年4月7日安息主懷,享年92歲。戴牧師是巴色差會德籍宣教士於1957年來港,1982年7月回國,在港事奉共25年。戴牧師曾任本會開辦的樂育神學院教授、副院長及崇基神學院的舊約教授,是香港巴色差會的駐港會長。
他平時很節儉,曾經使用的單車破舊不堪仍然不捨得換新的,有小朋友問他, 你的錢留下來做什麼?
他毫不猶疑地說:錢留下來給中國人用。 他說:「到了天國,我只說客家話了。」
-- 江育麟弟兄的资料 - TUE, AUG 11, 2020 AT 4:39 AM
