Short Article - Nisan 8 Longing for the Lord’s Return

Nisan 8  Longing for the Lord’s Return


John 12.1 (NIV) Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.


The Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels written, filling in all the crucial and indispensable details not recorded in the first three books.  With precision, John 12:1 established the time when The Journey began.  Passover being on Nisan 14, to count six days backward was Nisan 8.  The beginning of Jesus’ journey to the cross was precisely marked, making the flow of each of the following days’ events coherent, orderly and impeccable.


The family of Martha, Maria and Lazarus was unable to follow Jesus around to preach, but they all pined for His presence.  Being keenly aware of their loving kindness, every time Jesus went to Jerusalem, He would make it a point to go visit them, stay and share with them all kinds of blessings.  After He left home to go about His Father’s business, Jesus never had his own resting place, and here was this family who would readily offer him the warmest hospitality.  Every time Jesus needed to stay in Jerusalem, either they themselves or they would have their good friends wait for Him way in advance at the entrance of the village, and made sure that Jesus and his companions would agree to stay in their home.  This kind of warm and loving relationship must have been nurtured in Jesus’ family since his very tender age.  Jesus revealed who He was to his loved ones; whenever he was with them, He thoroughly taught them about the Kingdom of Heaven.  A few months ago, Jesus furthered revealed to them: “I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me will live, even though they die.”  Lazarus WAS the living testimony.  Jesus called Lazarus, four days dead, out from the tomb, resurrected.  This awe-inspiring feat not only confirmed to this family “who Jesus was,” it also raised the awareness of all the Jewish people in Jerusalem toward this prophet Jesus from Nazareth, questioning in their heart if this Jesus could be a prophet as great as their late Prophets Elijah or Elisha.  Could this be the God-sent prophet to resurrect their nation and free them from the tyranny of the Romans?  With such probable political and national gains in mind, ALL hoped this was going to come true!


As planned, Jesus arrived at Bethany for his last Passover.  An air of jubilation pervaded the entire village.  Jesus, his twelve disciples and those who followed him from Galilee, were invited to a banquet.  This village, of a 30-minute walking distance from Jerusalem, bustled with noise and excitement; which attracted many Jews and Pharisees from Jerusalem to come in hopes of possibly seeking a glance of the great prophet, or maybe even securing a personal interview with Lazarus . . .  Mary volunteered as the receptionist.  Moved by a sudden emotion, compelled by genuine love, Mary pondered how to tangibly display her thankfulness for, love for, and adoration toward her Lord Jesus.  Without a word, Mary went ahead to procure a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume, which she lavishly poured over Jesus’ feet and gently spread it evenly over with her own long hair.  The whole room was instantly enveloped in pure sweet aroma, only to be abruptly interrupted by Judas’ jarring objection, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor?”  Jesus spoke on Mary’s behalf, “Leave her alone.  It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.”  Jesus meant for Judas and all the people present to understand that according to the Jewish custom, dead bodies were to be embalmed before burial, and since He foresaw His own impending death, he deemed what Mary did was perfectly justified.  She was doing what she was supposed to do before His burial, only ahead of time.  Mary’s outpouring of love at Passover presented itself as a signal, signaling that the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God was going to sacrifice His very life.  From that moment on, the clock of Jesus’ journey of suffering began ticking, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock  . . .


Our Lord was fully aware of every detail and every step of His journey to His crucifixion.  (Luke 9:28-36 From the Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ, Moses and Elijah came all the supreme revelations and Bible prophesies regarding Jesus.)  Yet our Lord was undaunted and undeterred.  He willed His way toward Golgotha, experienced an unspeakably traumatic death, fulfilled to the hilt the will of His Father, and laid down His all . . . for you and me!


Nisan 8 - Hymn for Meditation: 


Savior, Thy Dying Love